Showing 1-3 of 3 job(s)
Sort by: California, US

Manager - Applications Software Engineering - State and Local

Full Time 1 year ago

C3 AI is looking for a manager to provide leadership and direction to the Applications software engineering team of bright and ambitious self-starters, like yourself. You will be part of a fast-moving organization with highly motivated engineers who tackle challenging and impactful problems.

$160,000.00 - $210,000.00 /Yearly
UnifyID California, US

SVP, Software Engineering

Full Time 1 year ago

The successful candidate will have a seat at the table and drive Prove’s ongoing digital transformation and they will also define and communicate the overall vision for the function. They will be responsible for scaling, building and leading teams that are responsible for developing the next generation of identity products and platform.

$240,000.00 - $300,000.00 /Yearly
SnapEDA California, US

Engineering Lead, AI

Full Time 1 year ago

SnapEDA, the leading platform for electrical engineers, is revolutionizing electronics design with artificial intelligence. We help 1.5 million engineers design products like drones, electric cars, and virtual reality headsets 10x faster.

$185,000.00 - $265,000.00 /Yearly
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