Showing 1-3 of 3 job(s)
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TrialSpark New York, US

Engineering Manager, Data Acquisition

Full Time 1 year ago

As the Engineering Manager for our Data Acquisition Squad, you will be accountable for Engineering strategy, design, development, and implementation of one of our core data teams that is responsible for building pipelines, data models, and handling the ingestion of novel data sources to support the entirety of a clinical trial journey, from patient recruitment to submitting

$183,000.00 - $240,000.00 /Yearly
Justworks New York, US

Senior Software Engineer, Shared Experiences

Full Time 1 year ago

Are you passionate about design and development? Do you have experience building, deploying, and maintaining large-scale applications and consistent, user-friendly experiences?Are you eager to learn and passionate about improvement across multiple dimensions - in code, practices, processes, people, and customers?

$167,500.00 - $205,000.00 /Yearly
Point Me
Point Me New York, US

Senior Data Analyst

1 year ago

Do you thrive in a fast-paced startup style environment? Do you enjoy working on a small team delivering rock-solid functionality and performance? We are looking for data analysts, and if that description resonates with you, you could be an excellent fit!

$105,000.00 - $130,000.00 /Yearly
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