Zsolt Huba
Zsolt Huba

About Me

I am a software developer with 15+ years of experience that includes extensive backend development, software integrations, API development, and microservices for diverse industries using various languages and tools. In recent years, I have specialized in various aspects of AWS cloud development, encompassing architecture, development, and DevOps tasks. My experience includes extensive contract work within startups and large companies worldwide. 

Project types where I really shine:
- AWS (architecture, development, DevOps)
- event-driven architecture
- microservices
- backend / API development
- data pipelines
- data migration and cleansing
- finance, ERP, invoicing, logistics domain knowledge

My technology background:
- Java, Kotlin, Python
- Spring Boot, FastAPI
- AWS (S3, EC2, ECS, Lambda service, API Gateway, Kinesis, SQS, SNS, RDS, Aurora, DocumentDB, ElastiCache, Athena, Firehose, Cognito, CodeArtifact, CodePipeline, CloudFormation, Parameter Store, Secrets ManagerTerraform)
- IBM MQ, Active MQ
- MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Redis
- Docker
- Git, Github, Gitlab, BitBucket, Gerrit, Subversion
- Scrum, Kanban, Jira

- NetSuite SuiteTalk
- QuickBooks Online SDK
- Xero SDK
- Blackbaud API

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